Welcome to Bridging Gaps Software

Providing face-to-face collaboration without the office.
Explore our amazing content and services.

About Bridging Gaps Software

BGS is a platform for all software peoples that do software things. This is your stop when you need a real person in real-time. Our vision is to be a one-stop shop to keep you productive and find community. We are dedicated to making software accessible to all people.

Help BoardContact Us

How we provide real-time help

Online Users
Check the online users list to see who is available to contact directly. The User will receive a notification of your request. Who will then have an option to accept or turn down. If turned down, you're request will be posted to the notice board.
Help Board
Is noone currently available online? Post a notice on the board and wait for someone to contact you to assist. Users set to receive notifications will see your notice.
Video Streaming and Screen Sharing
The person who accepts your help notice will initiate a video call through our platform.

What you get with our platform

Real-time, face-to-face collaboration
Github Integration
Stripe Secured Payments
Store for Angular and .NET Templates
Job Search Engine

Angular Apps

Explore our collection of Angular templates, suitable for both beginners and pros in web development.

API Apps

Discover our .NET API templates, ideal for those learning API and web server development or professionals looking to enhance their infrastructure.
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Online Users